How to Create An Effective Facebook Ads Strategy

By Team Swydo
24 May 2024

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With over 3 billion active users monthly, Facebook is one of the fastest ways to reach your target audience with social media advertising. 

Sometimes, Facebook algorithms can be a tough nut to crack, especially if you’re just starting out. That’s why you need an effective Facebook Ads strategy.

A successful Facebook Ad strategy involves more than spending money on ads. It also requires careful planning and execution. When done right, it’s worth the effort because this is where you’ll get the most direct, personalized, and effective advertising. 

In this article, you will learn how to create an effective Facebook Ads strategy.

What Are Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads work on a pay-per-click model;  you pay each time a user clicks on the ad. These ads help businesses display their products or services to a targeted audience on Facebook and its related platforms like Instagram.

Imagine you’re on Facebook, looking at posts from friends and funny memes, when you see an ad that interests you. That’s Facebook Ads in action.

These ads are like little digital billboards that businesses use to show you stuff they think you might like. From cool gadgets to trendy clothes or even local events, these ads pop up based on your interests, age, and location. It’s like having a personalized shopping experience right in your feed. 

Facebook Ads help brands enhance ad visibility, improve awareness, and measure clearly defined campaign objectives.

Benefits of Facebook Ads Strategy

Facebook Is the third most visited website in the world after Google and YouTube. That makes it one of the most audience-rich sources for any brand to advertise.

Facebook Ads is a versatile platform to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or drive sales.

Targeting users based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors increases the chances of them interacting with your ads. This means that the audience you reach will be more likely to engage with your ads. Targeting users in this way helps to ensure that your ads are seen by the right people and increases the effectiveness of your advertising efforts. 

This targeted process increases conversion rates and maximizes your business ROI (return on investment). Some of the benefits of Facebook Advertising include:

Targeted Reach and Audience Engagement

Through Facebook Ads, you can target and reach the right audience almost anywhere. 

Facebook’s advertising platform uses “Audience Insights,” which pulls together information on your page visitors. It helps you reach specific groups by using their data to target locations and audiences. You can categorize your campaign audiences by interests, location, age, language, income, etc. 

Measurable Results and Data-Driven Insights

You need to know how to track and measure your performance to determine whether your ads are working or how to improve. In Facebook Ads Manager, you can get detailed performance insights on your ad campaigns. Based on that data, you can make any necessary changes to your ads. 

Cost-Effective Advertising Solutions

Facebook can work with any budget, letting you choose daily or lifetime budgets based on your goals and budget. You can decide how much money to spend on your ads and allocate your budget to target the audiences most likely to make conversions.

Engagement and Interactivity

Facebook Ads allow users to like, comment, share, and even interact with ads directly (e.g., by filling out forms or exploring products within the ad). This engagement helps build brand awareness, foster customer relationships, and drive conversions.

How to Set up a Facebook Ads Campaign

To succeed with Facebook Ads, you need to plan strategically and optimize continuously. With this focus, you can maximize the effectiveness of your Facebook Ads campaign. This will ensure that you are reaching a large audience and getting the most out of your advertising budget. Reading further, you’ll understand the step-by-step process of setting up an effective Facebook Ads campaign. 

  1. Define Your Advertising Objective

Facebook offers a variety of advertising objectives to help you achieve your specific goals and objectives. These objectives align with different marketing funnel stages and allow you to customize your ad campaigns accordingly. Defining your ad objective will help you have a clear campaign goal.

  • Creating brand awareness
  • Website traffic
  • Lead generation
  • Increase sales
  • Promoting a product or service
  • Increase app installs
  • Encourage engagement

Choose the best goal for your campaign to make your ad strategy work well and get the results you want.

  1. Audience Targeting

Audience targeting in Facebook Ads means choosing specific groups of people who might like your products or services. 

Facebook’s custom audiences let you target people who have interacted with your business on Facebook, on your website, or in your email marketing. Outside customizing your audience, you can also:

  • Create Lookalike Audiences: Once you’ve established a custom audience, Facebook allows you to leverage its Lookalike Audience feature to reach new people who share similar characteristics with your existing customers. This helps expand your reach while maintaining relevance to your target demographic.
  • Audience Segmentation: You can segment your target audience based on specific criteria such as age, gender, location, interests, purchasing behavior, etc. This allows you to tailor your ads to each segment’s unique preferences and needs, increasing relevance and engagement.
  • Retargeting: If you install the Facebook Pixel on your website, you can track visitors and create retargeting campaigns. This helps you show ads to people who visited your website but didn’t complete an action, such as completing a form or making a purchase. With retargeting, you can recapture your visitor’s interest and nudge them toward conversion.

By targeting specific audiences, you can choose who sees your ads based on factors like age, job, industry, interests, or behavior. Facebook can help you reach the right audience, whether you’re aiming for women in fashion or tech-savvy individuals in London.

  1. Facebook Ads, Ad Creative Formats 

Facebook offers a faster way of running ads by boosting your organic posts. However, creating an original ad creative and copy generates more effective results in most cases.

Ad creative encourages users to interact with your ad through likes, comments, shares, or clicks. Facebook offers various formats, placements, and targets for running an ad campaign.

Choose the ad format that best suits your campaign objectives and craft compelling ad creatives to help differentiate your brand from competitors and capture your audience’s attention. Some of the most popular ad formats include:

Image Ads: Image Ads are suitable for either the top, middle, or bottom of the marketing funnel, whether you want to generate leads or increase traffic. These ads are simple and effective, using compelling visuals to grab your audience’s attention.

While image ads are an excellent choice for different purposes, you need to put in the effort to make quality images while paying attention to the aspect ratios.

Video Ads: Facebook video ads allow you to choose from various placements and objectives. Though video ads are more time-consuming to create, they drive high audience engagement.

Carousel Ads: With carousel ads, you can use up to 10 videos or images to highlight your product or service. They are great for introducing readers to different products, as each image can have its URL tailored specifically for that product.


Lead Ads: Lead ads are a great option for growing your email list. They are designed to make it easy for people to provide their contact information.In many cases, you can offer incentives to users to provide their information or even connect your lead ad with your email service provider and leverage automation.

Messenger Ads: Messenger Ads help you talk to possible customers, leading to fast sales or long-term relationships. You can make your ad match your brand goals and add a button for users to take action.

Slideshow Ads: Facebook slideshow ads could work for you if you want to repurpose your existing ad assets. Slideshow ads consist of up to 10 images with their specific URLs. They can serve as a stepping stone if you have yet to gain video-making experience.  Slideshow ads can still catch the reader’s eye with the movement and sound that make video ads so effective.

Whether it’s a captivating image, an engaging video, or a carousel of product images, investing in high-quality, creative content that resonates with your target audience can help improve your advertising efforts and achieve your marketing goals.

  1. Facebook Ads Budgeting and Bidding Strategy

Consider your overall marketing budget and how much you’re willing to allocate to Facebook Advertising to achieve your goals effectively. 

The difference between a daily budget and a lifetime budget in Facebook Ads lies in how you allocate your advertising budget over time:

Daily Budget:

  • A daily budget sets the maximum amount you will spend on your Facebook Ads daily.
  • Facebook will evenly distribute your budget across the duration of your campaign, spending up to your daily limit each day.

Lifetime Budget:

  • A lifetime budget sets the maximum amount you’re willing to spend on your Facebook Ads over the entire duration of your campaign.
  • Facebook will pace your spending to ensure your budget is evenly distributed over the specified campaign duration.
  • Unlike the daily budget, once you set a lifetime budget, you cannot change it without creating a new campaign. However, you can adjust your ad set’s end date to control spending.

Consider factors such as your overall marketing budget, the competitiveness of your industry, and the expected return on investment (ROI).

Bidding Strategy:

Once you determine how much you’re willing to spend, you can select your bidding strategy based on your campaign goals, whether it’s: 

  1. Maximizing reach
  2. Optimizing for clicks
  3. Driving conversions.

Facebook Ads offers several bidding strategies to choose from to optimize your ad campaigns and achieve your desired results:

  • Highest Volume (formerly Lowest Cost): This bid strategy maximizes delivery and conversions while keeping costs as low as possible. Facebook automatically bids on your behalf in auctions to secure the most results within your specified budget. This approach is ideal for advertisers seeking to reach a broad audience and generate a high volume of engagements.
  • Target Cost: Setting your bids to target cost means telling Facebook what you are willing to spend for a given result. You set a target cost, and Facebook’s algorithm works to get you results at or around that cost.
  • Cost Per Result (CPR): Formally known as Cost Cap, CPR allows you to set a maximum cost per result for your campaigns. You have more control over your campaign costs while allowing Facebook’s algorithm to optimize bids for maximum results. For example, you could run an e-commerce campaign and set a cost per result/purchase to $5.
  • Bid Cap: A bid cap is the right strategy if you’re running a campaign and want to control your ad spend. It helps you control costs while optimizing your campaign performance. 
  • ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) Goal: Facebook automatically adjusts your bids, optimizing for conversions that are most likely to deliver your target ROAS.
  • Highest Value: The Highest Value bidding strategy maximizes the total value generated from your campaigns. Instead of focusing on a specific cost or result, Facebook looks for opportunities likely to bring in the highest value for your business.

Once you better understand your ads’ performance and ROI, you can scale your campaign budget accordingly. Remember to monitor your performance closely and make data-driven decisions to improve your ad campaigns over time.

5. Ad Placement and Scheduling

Placement defines where your ads appear on Facebook. You can choose the placements that align with your campaign objectives and audience preferences.

  • Facebook Feeds: Ads appear directly in users’ News Feeds on the mobile app or desktop site. These ads blend seamlessly with organic content and can include images, videos, carousels, and slideshows.
  • Instagram Feeds: The Ads appear in users’ Instagram feeds alongside organic posts from accounts they follow. Instagram ads can include images, videos, carousels, and slideshows designed to match the platform’s native aesthetic.
  • Facebook Instant Articles: Ads appear within articles published on Facebook’s Instant Articles platform. These ads are mobile-responsive and optimized for fast-loading content consumption.
  • Facebook Marketplace: Ads appear in the Facebook Marketplace feed, where users buy and sell items locally. These ads display among other listings and can reach users while they shop or browse for products.
  • Facebook Right Column: Ads appear in the right column of the Facebook desktop version. These ads are typically displayed alongside organic content and can include images or videos.
  • Facebook In-Stream Video: Ads appear within video content on Facebook Watch, the platform’s video-on-demand service. These ads appear during natural breaks, such as mid-roll or pre-roll placements.
  • Instagram Stories: Ads appear as full-screen vertical ads in users’ Instagram Stories. These immersive ads can include images or videos and are displayed in between organic Stories from users they follow.
  • Messenger Inbox: Ads appear in users’ Messenger inboxes alongside their conversations. These ads can include images, videos, or carousel formats and are designed to drive engagement or conversions.
  • Messenger Sponsored Messages: Ads appear as direct messages in users’ inboxes. These ads allow businesses to send targeted messages to users who have previously interacted with their Messenger bot or page.
  • Audience Network: Ads appear on third-party apps and websites that are part of Facebook’s Audience Network. These ads can reach users across various mobile apps and websites outside of Facebook’s owned platforms.

Facebook lets you choose between automatic and manual ad placement selections. By default, Facebook will select automatic placements because it believes they will give you the best results. You can always change this, depending on your preference.


Once you know where to place your ads, the next step is to push them out through proper scheduling. To make Facebook ads work best, schedule them to reach your audience when they are most active and engaged. Timing is key for optimal performance. Start by analyzing your audience’s behavior patterns using Facebook insights.

Look for trends in peak engagement times, such as spikes in traffic during specific hours of the day or days of the week. Factors such as time zone differences, work schedules, and leisure activities may also influence their online behavior. Then, schedule your ads to run at specific times of the day or week to maximize their impact.

6. Monitoring and Optimizing Your Facebook Ads Campaigns

Are you constantly wondering why your Facebook Ads are not performing as expected? It might be down to some or all the factors below:

  • Irrelevant Targeting: Ensure your ads reach the right audience by refining your targeting options.
  • Poor Ad Design: Review your ad visuals and copy to ensure they are engaging and aligned with your target audience’s preferences.
  • Ineffective Budget Allocation: Adjust your budget allocation to distribute spending where it will generate the most impact.
  • Zero Monitoring and Optimization: Regularly monitor your ads’ performance and make adjustments to optimize their effectiveness.

The best way to understand why your ads aren’t performing well is to test different versions and make improvements over time. This process helps you identify what works and what doesn’t. By continuously testing and refining your ads, you can optimize their performance and achieve better results. 

A/B or split test

Create an A/B or split test from any ad set or ad by duplicating it and selecting the new A/B test. Choose the variable you want to test, keep an eye on the most important metrics, and identify areas for optimization. Variables to test:

  1. Headline and Ad Copy: Test different headlines and copy variations to determine which resonates most with your target audience. This includes testing different tones and copy lengths to understand what drives higher engagement and conversions.
  2. Audience Segmentation: Test different audience segments to understand how demographics, interests, and behaviors affect your campaign. For example, if you’re promoting a fitness app, you might find that users between ages 18 and 35 respond better than 35+ users.
  3. Visuals: Visuals can make or break your ad or landing page. Test various visual elements such as images, videos, and graphics to evaluate their impact on user engagement and conversion rates. This includes testing different visual formats, styles, and content to identify what captures attention and drives desired actions.
  4. Page Layout and Design: Experimenting with different page layouts and designs involves testing variations in page structure, navigation menus, and content placement to optimize usability and conversion rates.
  5. Call-to-Action (CTA): The CTA button is where the magic happens. It prompts people to take action. Try using different colors, text, and placement to see which combination drives the most conversions. 

Timing plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of your Facebook ad campaigns. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, it’s advisable to test different time slots and monitor the performance to identify the optimal times for your specific target audience.

7. Measuring Campaign Performance and Reporting

Measuring your campaign performance is important when creating a Facebook Ads campaign. Facebook has a free Ads Report tool that makes it easy to track performance metrics like reach, impressions, clicks, etc. 

Facebook Pixel: To properly measure your performance, you need to consider installing Facebook Pixel. This great tool tracks users’ interactions and conversions on your website, giving you valuable insights into how users interact with your site.

Google Analytics: While you cannot directly measure Facebook Ads campaign performance within Google Analytics, you can track the performance of your Facebook Ads traffic once users land on your website or app.

Set Up GA4 Goals or Events:

  • Define goals or events in Google Analytics to track specific actions or interactions that indicate success or conversions on your website or app.
  • Common goals may include purchases, sign-ups, form submissions, or other valuable actions that you want to track as conversions.

URL Tagging with UTM Parameters: Create custom URLs for your Facebook Ads using Google’s Campaign URL Builder or any other URL tagging tool.

Add UTM parameters (such as source, medium, campaign, and content) to your URLs to track the source and performance of your ads in Google Analytics.

  1. URL Tagging with UTM Parameters:
    • Create custom URLs for your Facebook Ads using Google’s Campaign URL Builder or any other URL tagging tool.
    • Add UTM parameters (such as source, medium, campaign, and content) to your URLs to track the source and performance of your ads in Google Analytics.

2. Enable Auto-Tagging:

  • Ensure that auto-tagging is enabled in your Google Analytics account.
  • Auto-tagging automatically appends the necessary UTM parameters to your destination URLs when users click on your ads, allowing Google Analytics to track ad performance accurately.

When creating Facebook Ads campaign reports to share with your team, clients, or stakeholders, you can use reporting tools like Swydo. Swydo tackles the repetitive task of report creation and has hundreds of pre-made templates, custom widgets, and reporting options in one dashboard so your team can track what matters most.

Whether your clients expect reports every week, every month, or at the end of every campaign, using Swydo for your ad reports will enable you to make better data-driven decisions and maximize the return on ads spent.

8. Facebook Ads Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Tracking Facebook Ads KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and optimizing them for better results. They should align closely with your campaign objectives. 

Here’s a comprehensive list of Facebook Ads KPIs you should track:

  1. Reach: The total number of unique users who have seen your ad at least once.
  2. Impressions: The total number of times your ad was displayed.
  3. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of users who clicked on your ad after seeing it. It’s calculated as (clicks/impressions) x 100.
  4. Engagement: Likes, comments, shares, and other interactions with your ad.
  5. Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who completed a desired action (e.g., purchase, sign-up) after clicking on your ad. It’s calculated as (conversions/clicks) x 100.
  6. Cost per Click (CPC): The average cost incurred for each click on your ad.
  7. Cost per Conversion (CPA): The average cost incurred for each conversion (e.g., purchase, sign-up).
  8. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. It’s calculated as (revenue from ads spent/ad spent) x 100.
  9. Website Traffic: The number of visits to your website resulting from your ad.
  10.  Ad Spend: The total amount spent on your ad campaigns.

Tracking these KPIs allows you to assess the performance of your Facebook Ads campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your advertising strategy.

Further reading: Facebook Ads KPIs to Use With 5 Campaign Objectives

Top 5 Effective Facebook Ads Strategies

When brainstorming your strategy, it is essential to consider your audience. Depending on what audience segments you choose to target, some of the strategies below may fit the bill.

  1. Facebook Ads + Content Marketing

To get the best out of your Facebook Ads, you need to include content marketing as a strategy. Create high-quality content to solve your target audience’s pain points and drive traffic to them. This content will act as a landing page, nurturing leads and building trust with potential customers rather than hitting them with a sales offer.

  1. Run A Free Giveaway Campaign

Your Facebook campaigns can focus on something other than sales 100% of the time. Instead, look for long-term benefits such as increased brand awareness and new leads to your conversion funnel. Facebook giveaways should be highly engaging, and sometimes, you can run an ad for a free, high-value offer to incentivize users to interact with your ads, share your content, and increase brand visibility.

  1. Set Up Dynamic Facebook Ads

Dynamic ads allow you to deliver highly personalized content to each user, increasing relevance and engagement. They are your chance to bring back hesitant customers. By showing users products or services they’ve previously interacted with, you can capture their attention more effectively and drive higher conversion rates.

  1. Find New Prospects with Custom Audiences & Lookalike Audiences

Ready to expand your reach and find new customers like your best ones? Say hello to custom and lookalike audiences, two powerful targeting options allowing you to reach people most likely interested in your products or services.

Start by creating custom audiences based on your existing customer lists, website visitors, or engagement with your Facebook Page or Instagram profile. Then, use Facebook’s lookalike audience feature to find new prospects who share similar characteristics and behaviors with your existing audience. 

However, with both audiences, you can reach quality audiences interested in your offer, driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

  1. Using The Power of Social Proof

Have you ever noticed how we tend to trust recommendations from friends and peers more than branded messages? 

That’s the power of social proof. 

Social proof on Facebook can attract more viewers. Users are more likely to trust a brand that uses social proof in its ads. 

Leverage the power of social proof to boost credibility and conversions by using elements of social proof, such as customer testimonials, user reviews, and social media mentions, in your ad creatives to reassure potential customers and clear any doubts they may have. 

Bonus Tip: Check Out Your Competition in the Facebook Ad Library

Checking out your competitors in the Facebook Ad Library will help you understand their messaging, targeting strategies, and creative approaches, which can inspire new ideas and tactics for your campaigns.

You can also identify gaps in the market, capitalize on trends, and refine your strategies in real-time based on their activity, ensuring that you remain competitive and relevant in your industry.

By learning from your competitors’ successes and failures, you can optimize your ad campaigns for better performance and more effectively achieve your marketing objectives.

Best Practices for Facebook Advertising

Adhering to best practices ensures that your ads stand out and drive results, maximizing the effectiveness of your Facebook Advertising efforts. Below are some best practices to succeed with your Facebook Ad campaigns.

Utilizing High-Resolution Ad Content: Unlike texts, videos and images are worth a thousand words on Facebook. Picture this – you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, and suddenly, a stunning image catches your eye. That’s what high-resolution ad content does.

When creating ads to stop the scroll, ensure your content is sharp and appealing. This ensures your images and videos will be eligible to show how you want them to and provide a high-quality experience for your ad viewers.

Shortening Text for Maximum Impact: According to VWO, the average human attention span is about 8.25 seconds, so getting your message across as quickly as possible is essential. 

Instead of bombarding your audience with paragraphs of text, keep it short, sweet, and straight to the point. Less is more when it comes to Facebook Advertising. Consider using direct headlines, concise captions, and simple ad copy that grabs attention and leaves a lasting impression. 

Mobile Optimization for Seamless User Experience: With about 7 billion mobile phone users worldwide, optimizing your ad for mobile is vital to reach a wider audience and drive better results for your campaigns. To effectively optimize your ads for mobile on Facebook, consider the following best practices:

  • Use eye-catching visuals and concise messaging that are easily readable on smaller screens.
  • Ensure fast loading times by optimizing images and minimizing unnecessary elements.
  • Utilize mobile-specific ad formats, such as carousel or video ads optimized for vertical viewing.
  • Test your ads across different mobile devices and screen sizes to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.

Understanding and Adhering to Facebook Ad Specs: Facebook has specific guidelines and specifications for ad formats, content, imagery, file sizes, and other technical requirements. From image dimensions to video lengths, familiarize yourself with the guidelines and ensure your content meets the requirements to reduce the risk of ad disapproval or account suspension due to policy violations.

Use Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): Don’t assume that people will automatically know what to do next when they see your ad. Using a strong CTA in your Ad directly influences user behavior and encourages desired actions. 

You need to tell your audience what to do. Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Sign Up,” make sure your CTA is clear, concise, and impossible to ignore.

Though the best place to put your CTA is in the ad’s headline, since that’s where people are most likely to see it, you can experiment with different positions and buttons depending on the ad format and objective of your campaign to find out which ones work best for your audience. 


Creating an effective Facebook Ad strategy requires careful planning and execution. From defining clear objectives to audience targeting, each element of the plan plays a crucial role in maximizing ad performance and ROI.

Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads and sales, understanding and implementing the strategies and tools above will help set your Facebook Advertising up for success. Remember to monitor and report your campaigns to quickly refine your approach, optimize your budget allocation, and achieve your marketing objectives. 

Sign up today for a 14-day free trial to start monitoring and reporting your Facebook ad campaigns in one dashboard for free, or Request a demo.