The Complete Agency Guide to SEO Tracking for Optimization and Client Success

By Jay Kang
9 October 2024

Imagine sitting across from a client, confidently explaining how your SEO efforts have boosted their bottom line. This scenario becomes reality with a solid SEO tracking plan. As agency owners, we face unique challenges: delivering results, adapting to algorithm changes, and managing client expectations.

This guide will help you create an SEO tracking plan that not only measures success but also speaks directly to your clients’ business goals.

The Importance of SEO Tracking for Your Agency

new users and purchase
Use Swydo’s Google Analytics reporting tool to filter New Users and Key Events from organic sources. This provides answers to your clients’ questions about the ROI of your SEO efforts.

“Trust me, it’s working” just doesn’t cut it anymore.. Clients demand concrete evidence of their investment’s return. A comprehensive SEO tracking plan serves as the foundation for your agency’s survival and growth.

Consider a common scenario:

You’ve optimized a client’s site for months. Traffic has increased, but the client questions the ROI. Without robust tracking, you’ll struggle to justify your work. However, with a solid plan, you’ll walk into meetings prepared to demonstrate how your efforts directly impact their business.

Deep ROI insights don’t come from sporadic keyword checks, they stem from a systematic approach covering all aspects of SEO performance. 

Your goal: create a success narrative that aligns with your client’s objectives.

Jay s report 10 04 2024 12 18 PM
Define custom metrics to track what matters most to your clients—KPIs that truly reflect their business goals.
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Combine these custom metrics with preset metrics to tell a more compelling data story

Overlooking effective tracking can lead to several pitfalls:

  • Missed market trends, allowing competitors to gain an edge.
  • Wasted resources on ineffective strategies, neglecting high-potential areas.
  • Client loss to agencies that quantify their value with data.
  • Stunted agency growth due to inability to demonstrate success.

SEO expertise extends beyond website optimization. It involves proving your work’s value in terms relevant to your clients’ business. Your tracking plan bridges the gap between SEO knowledge and client goals.

What is SEO Tracking?

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Add Google Search Console to track clicks, impressions, CTRs, average position, and sitemap warnings and errors.

SEO tracking provides a comprehensive view of how your SEO efforts impact a business. Visualize it as mapping your SEO landscape, revealing ranking peaks, opportunity valleys, and paths to improved performance.

At its core, SEO tracking illustrates how your strategies perform across the board. It creates a feedback loop guiding every decision, from content creation to technical fixes. Without this loop, you operate on guesswork rather than solid data.

This approach proves especially crucial for agencies. Clients entrust you with their online presence, which is often a significant part of their marketing strategy. They need assurance their investment is sound, which means that you should demonstrate tangible results.

An effective SEO tracking system allows you to:

  • Identify effective and ineffective strategies quickly.
  • Understand traffic sources and user engagement patterns.
  • Measure progress toward conversion goals, linking SEO efforts directly to revenue.
  • Create a roadmap for continuous improvement based on current performance.

These insights transform SEO from a technical process into a strategic business tool. You evolve from a service provider into a growth partner for your clients.

Strategic Benefits of Comprehensive SEO Tracking

BenefitDescriptionAgency Impact
Early Trend IdentificationSpot rising keywords or topics before they peakPositions you as proactive and forward-thinking
Efficient Resource AllocationFocus on proven strategiesImproves ROI and client satisfaction
Clear Value DemonstrationUse data to show business impactEnhances client retention and upselling opportunities
Agile Strategy AdjustmentRespond swiftly to algorithm or market changesMaintains performance in shifting conditions
Accurate Performance ForecastingSet realistic expectations based on historical dataBuilds trust and manages client expectations effectively

These benefits elevate your entire agency’s value proposition, offering insights and direction beyond typical competitor offerings.

How to Track and Create Your SEO Tracking Framework

Practical implementation comes next. Setting up a tracking framework might seem daunting, especially with multiple clients and diverse needs. However, investing time in this process will yield significant returns.

1. Implement Core Analytics Tools

Start with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Search Console (GSC). Maximize their potential beyond basic setup.

google analytics 4 explore

For GA4:

  • Configure custom events aligned with client business goals. For e-commerce, track add-to-cart actions. B2B clients benefit from monitoring whitepaper downloads or demo requests.
  • Develop audience segments to analyze organic traffic behavior patterns.
  • Use the GA4s exploration feature to craft reports addressing client-specific KPIs. Standard reports often miss crucial aspects of your SEO efforts.
google search console

Optimize GSC use:

  • Verify site ownership and submit comprehensive sitemaps. This action provides Google with the most up-to-date view of your client’s site structure.
  • Create email alerts under “Users Settings” in GSC for critical issues such as manual actions or significant click decreases. This proactive approach allows problem-solving before issues escalate.
  • Integrate GSC with GA4 for a holistic view of user discovery and interaction with your client’s site.
ga4 monitoring assign team members
Use Swydo’s monitoring and alerting tool to stay on top of your clients’ performance. Assign alerts to the appropriate team members to ensure accountability.

2. Establish Custom KPIs

Avoid the common pitfall of relying on generic SEO metrics that fail to resonate with client business objectives. Remember, clients prioritize bottom-line results over technical SEO jargon.

Your task: connect SEO performance to tangible business outcomes. Tailor KPIs to each client’s specific goals and industry.

Examples include:

  • E-commerce clients: Focus on organic revenue, average order value from organic traffic, and landing page conversion rates.
  • B2B service providers: Emphasize lead quality metrics, such as organic visitor time on site and form completion rates.
  • Content-driven sites: Prioritize engagement metrics like pages per session, average session duration, and return visitor rates.

Initiate discussions with clients about their business objectives, then craft KPIs demonstrating how your SEO work supports these goals.

3. Develop a Comprehensive Baseline

Prior to implementing new SEO strategies, capture a detailed performance snapshot. This process involves more than noting a few metrics; it requires creating a complete picture of your client’s SEO status.

Include in your baseline:

  • Thorough analysis of current keyword rankings, encompassing long-tail variations.
  • Audit of on-page SEO elements for key pages, examining title tags, meta descriptions, header structure, and content quality.
  • Current backlink profile overview, including quantity, quality, and diversity of linking domains.
  • Performance metrics such as page load speeds and Core Web Vitals scores.
  • Content inventory detailing word counts, target keywords, and current organic performance for crucial pages.

This comprehensive baseline serves dual purposes.

First, it provides context for future efforts, enabling accurate measurement of your SEO strategy impacts.

Second, it serves as a powerful narrative tool, allowing you to illustrate client progress from a defined starting point.

Seranking monthy report
Track your client’s overall keyword ranking positions and provide comprehensive data storytelling with traffic forecasts to guide their SEO strategy. Analyze performance trends to identify areas for improvement and opportunity

4. Establish a Strategic Tracking Schedule

Consistency proves crucial in SEO tracking. Create a regular schedule for data review and analysis.

Different metrics require varying review frequencies.

Effective framework example:

  • Weekly: Conduct swift checks on critical metrics like organic traffic and conversions. This practice helps identify sudden changes or issues requiring immediate attention.
  • Bi-weekly: Examine keyword rankings and new backlinks. This frequency balances staying current without getting mired in short-term fluctuations.
  • Monthly: Perform comprehensive analyses for client reporting. Dive deep into all KPIs and prepare detailed reports for clients.
  • Quarterly: Execute big-picture reviews of strategy effectiveness and long-term trends. Use this time to assess overall direction and make strategic adjustments.

Implement automation where possible. Set up automated reports and alerts to maintain consistency and save time. This approach frees you to focus on analysis and strategy rather than data collection.

semrush goal tracking
On top of automating reports and alerts, leverage Swydo’s goal features to help you and your clients understand goals based on the metrics/KPIs you’re tracking.

5. Use Specialized SEO Tools

While GA4 and GSC form your foundation, specialized SEO tools offer deeper insights and streamline workflows. Swydo’s extensive integration capabilities allow you to connect these tools directly into your reporting framework, saving time and providing more comprehensive insights.

Key Swydo integrations for SEO tracking include:

  • Google Analytics 4 and Google Search Console: Combine these core tools’ data for a holistic view of your SEO performance.
  • SEMrush: Access competitive research and keyword strategy insights directly in your Swydo reports.
  • SE Ranking: Track keyword ranking performance over time, integrating this crucial data into your overall SEO reporting.
  • AccuRanker: Another powerful option for detailed keyword ranking analysis, allowing you to showcase ranking improvements effectively.
  • Google Pagespeed: Incorporate page speed metrics into your SEO reports, demonstrating technical optimization efforts.
  • Google My Business: Essential for local SEO tracking, bringing location-based performance data into your reports.
  • Shopify: For e-commerce clients, integrate sales data to directly correlate SEO efforts with revenue.

Here are the metrics based on what your clients use:

ToolKey Metrics
Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
  • Users (organic traffic)
  • Engagement Rate
  • Conversions
  • Views per User
  • Avg. Engagement Time

Reports > Acquisition > Traffic Acquisition (filter by Organic Search)
Reports > Engagement > Pages and Screens
Reports > Events or Conversions

Filter traffic by Organic Search, set up conversion events, use Explore for custom reports

Google Search Console (GSC)
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Average Position
  • Impressions
  • Total Clicks
  • Indexed Pages

Performance > Search Results
Index > Coverage

Filter by queries/pages, compare date ranges, check Coverage report regularly

  • Keyword Rankings
  • Authority Score
  • Backlink Overview
  • Competitor Gap Analysis

Domain Analytics > Overview
Position Tracking
Backlink Analytics > Backlink Overview
Keyword Gap

Set up Position Tracking, conduct backlink audits, use Keyword Gap for opportunities

SE Ranking
  • Keyword Ranking Changes
  • SERP Features
  • Ranking Distribution

Keyword Rankings
SERP Features
Ranking Distribution

Create project for each client, configure Keyword Rankings tool, use SERP Features report

  • Share of Voice
  • Average Keyword Position
  • Keyword Movement

Share of Voice report

Import target keywords, use Keyword Tags, monitor Share of Voice

Google PageSpeed Insights
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Performance Score
  • Time to Interactive

Enter URL into Google PageSpeed Insights for mobile and desktop results

Test key landing pages regularly, compare mobile and desktop scores, focus on Core Web Vitals

Google My Business
  • Search Queries
  • Customer Actions
  • Photo Views
  • Review Count and Rating

Insights tab in Google My Business dashboard

Monitor weekly changes, track review velocity, update business info regularly

Shopify (for e-commerce)
  • Organic Revenue
  • Conversion Rate from Organic Traffic
  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Product Page Organic Visits

Analytics > Reports > Sales by traffic source
Analytics > Reports > Sessions by traffic source

Filter for Organic Search, combine with GA4 data, track individual product pages

Additional integrations that can enhance your SEO reporting:

Swydo’s integration ecosystem allows you to build a comprehensive SEO tracking and reporting toolkit tailored to your agency’s needs and client goals. This approach enables you to create insightful, data-rich reports without excessive time spent on manual data collection and collation.

What Key Metrics to Measure for Comprehensive SEO Tracking

SEO Tracking 10 02 2024 04 39 PM 1
Use powerful data visualizations—including metrics, date comparisons, bars, and graphs—to clearly communicate your SEO performance.

With your tracking framework in place, focus on metrics that provide the most valuable insights for each client’s unique situation.

We’ve compiled a comprehensive table that summarizes the most important SEO metrics to track. This table doesn’t just list metrics; it provides a roadmap for turning data into tangible results for your clients.

Each metric ties directly to business outcomes—no fluff, no vanity metrics.

Here’s a quick reference guide to the key SEO metrics you should be tracking, why they matter, and how Swydo’s integrations can help you measure and report on them effectively:

MetricImportanceWhat to Look ForSwydo Integration
1. Organic TrafficCore indicator of SEO success• Page-level performance
• Traffic sources
• User behavior
• Long-term growth trends
Google Analytics 4 integration for detailed traffic analysis
2. Conversion Rate from Organic TrafficLinks SEO to business outcomes• Overall conversion rate
• Segmented rates by page/source
• Comparison with other channels
Custom metrics for organic conversion rate and SEO ROI
3. Keyword RankingsIndicates visibility in search results• Mix of short and long-tail keywords
• SERP features presence
• Ranking trends over time
SE Ranking or SEMrush integration for rank tracking
4. Page Load SpeedAffects user experience and rankings• Core Web Vitals (LCP, INP, CLS)
• Mobile vs. desktop performance
• Page-specific speed issues
Google PageSpeed Insights integration
5. Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR)Measures SERP listing effectiveness• CTR by query and page
• Impact of rich snippets
• CTR trends over time
Google Search Console integration
6. Backlink Quality and QuantityIndicates domain authority and trust• Link quality and relevance
• Link acquisition rate
• Anchor text distribution
SEMrush integration for backlink analysis
7. Domain AuthorityOverall site SEO health• Long-term DA/DR trends
• Comparison with competitors
SEMrush integration for domain strength metrics
8. Mobile Traffic PercentageCritical for mobile-first indexing• Mobile vs. desktop traffic trends
• Mobile-specific engagement metrics
Google Analytics 4 for device breakdowns
9. Engagement MetricsReplaces traditional bounce rate• Engaged sessions
• Average engagement time
• Events per session
Google Analytics 4 for advanced engagement metrics
10. Return on Investment (ROI)Proves SEO value to clients• Revenue from organic search
• Cost of SEO services
• Long-term ROI trends
Custom ROI calculations using Swydo’s reporting tools

Use it as a starting point, then customize your tracking based on each client’s specific needs.

You don’t need to track everything under the sun. Focus on the metrics that align with your clients’ goals. This summary provides a solid foundation, but don’t hesitate to adapt it as needed. Depending on your clients, you might also want to keep an eye on:

  • Brand visibility scores
  • Local SEO performance
  • Content engagement stats
  • E-commerce metrics like revenue per visit
  • Voice search optimization data

Common Agency Challenges in SEO Tracking and How to Overcome Them

SEO Tracking 10 02 2024 04 39 PM
Automate your technical SEO reporting. Use Swydo to schedule Semrush audits to automatically retrieve the latest site audit data. Add PageSpeed Insights data to your reports to consider the effects of page speed on your SEO performance.

Even with robust systems, agencies often face hurdles in measuring SEO success. Here are common tracking challenges and practical solutions:

Data Overload and Analysis Paralysis

The sheer volume of available data can overwhelm even seasoned professionals, hindering the extraction of actionable insights. To combat this, start by prioritizing your metrics.


  • Prioritize 5-7 KPIs tied to client business goals. Treat other metrics as secondary.
  • Automate data collection and initial analysis. Use tools like Swydo to flag significant changes or anomalies.
  • Create a structured analysis process. Use templates to guide consistent data analysis and streamline the process.
  • Train your team to identify meaningful data patterns quickly using industry specific benchmarks. Distinguish signal from noise in data-rich environments.

Attributing SEO Value in a Multi-Channel World

Complex customer journeys spanning multiple touchpoints complicate SEO value attribution.


  • Use multi-touch attribution models in Google Analytics to show SEO’s role in conversions.
  • Track assisted conversions to show organic search’s role throughout the customer journey.
  • Conduct incrementality testing. Adjust SEO efforts in controlled experiments to isolate their impact.
  • Monitor long-term metrics like brand awareness and customer lifetime value alongside conversion data.

Tracking Technical SEO Impact

Measuring the impact of technical SEO changes can be challenging.


  • Use crawl data to track improvements in site structure and indexation.
  • Monitor Core Web Vitals and page speed metrics before and after technical changes.
  • Track changes in organic click-through rates to assess the impact of schema markup implementation.
  • Set up regular log file exports from the client’s server and use tools like SEMrush Log File Analyzer.
  • Track metrics like crawl frequency, crawl budget distribution, and crawled vs. indexed ratio.

Managing Long-Term SEO Tracking

SEO’s gradual nature can make it challenging to track progress consistently over time. Here’s how to maintain a clear view of your long-term performance:

Establish Clear Baselines

Before starting any new campaigns, document current performance across all key metrics. Use tools like SEMrush or SE Ranking to capture a comprehensive view of the current situation. Create a baseline report in Swydo to serve as a reference point for future comparisons.

SEO Tracking 10 02 2024 04 41 PM
You can also set targets for each of your clients’ metric goals on Swydo to keep track of their progress.

Balance Leading and Lagging Indicators

Track both leading indicators (like keyword rankings and backlink acquisition rate) and lagging indicators (such as organic traffic and conversions). Create a custom dashboard in Swydo that displays both types of indicators side-by-side, providing a holistic view of performance.

Implement Forecasting

Use historical data to create trend lines and implement basic SEO forecasting models. Set realistic milestones based on these projections and industry benchmarks. This approach helps manage client expectations and provides a roadmap for your SEO efforts.

Successful SEO tracking goes beyond data collection – it involves interpreting insights within the context of client goals and continually refining your approach.s within the context of client goals and driving continuous improvement.

Set Goals Choose Metrics Select Tools Establish Baseline Collect Data Analyze Results Adjust Strategy

Key Takeaways

  1. Focus on metrics that directly impact client revenue and goals.
  2. Use data to show how SEO work affects the bottom line. Clear reporting builds trust and justifies your services.
  3. Combine various metrics for a comprehensive view of SEO performance.
  4. Tailor tracking and reporting to each client’s unique needs.
  5. Use client reporting tool like Swydo to streamline tracking and reporting processes.
  6. Help clients understand SEO concepts and long-term strategy value.
  7. Continuously refine tracking methods to stay ahead of industry changes.

Effective SEO tracking turns data into actionable insights, driving real business results. Your skill in measuring and communicating SEO success is your competitive edge. Master this, and you’ll position your agency as an essential partner in your clients’ digital growth.