Data Visualizations

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Swydo visualizations

Share actionable insights by selecting the best graph or chart for your data story

All visualizations comparison Comparison part of a whole Part of the whole exact values Exact values change over time Change over time geospatial Geospatial
Area chart
change over time
Area chart

A line chart with the area filled in by color.

Bar chart
Bar chart

Data depicted in horizontal bars.

Bubble map
Bubble map

Data is displayed by three dimensions on the x-axis, y-axis, and by the size of the bubble.

Column chart
change over time
Column chart

Data depicted by vertical bars.

part of a whole

Donut charts depict different categories, and how each part adds up to the whole.


Heatmaps are useful for showing differences, as well as correlations and patterns, between multiple variables by the use of color.

exact values

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reflects a single metric you need to monitor progress over time

Line chart
change over time
Line chart

A line chart provides a comparison of a series data points connected by a line.

Pie chart
part of a whole
Pie chart

A pie chart consists of sections that are part of a larger whole circle. It depicts the percentage each component contributes to the overall total.

Spline chart
change over time
Spline chart

A spline chart is a line chart but with curves.

Stacked area chart
change over time
Stacked area chart

A stacked area chart is an area chart which multiple data series can be tracked and compared.

Stacked bar chart
Stacked bar chart

In a stacked bar chart, the bars represent whole metrics, and the segments within each bar show the different parts that add up to the whole.

Stacked column chart
change over time
Stacked column chart

In  a stacked column chart, each column represents a whole metrics, while the segments with a column compare the different parts that add up to the whole.

Stacked spline area chart
change over time
Stacked spline area chart

A spline area chart is like a line area chart but with curved rather than straight lines.

exact values

A table provides a data set organized by columns and rows.

Tree map
part of a whole
Tree map

A tree map consists of nested rectangles meant to show each category’s rank within a larger whole, and also includes the numeric quantities by size of the rectangle.

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